Call on the Senate to vote against a republic

Call on the Senate to vote against a republic

Labor Leader Anthony Albanese has not wasted any time spearheading his campaign for an Australian republic.  

Which is why your voice is needed today to make a stand for a strong and stable Australia.

Anthony Albanese has tasked Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus with prosecuting the case for a republic and appointed MP Matt Thistlethwait as Shadow Assistant Minister for an Australian Head of State.

Of course, Labor isn't the only political party that supports a republic and there are a number of Coalition politicians who also want to replace our head of state.

But Australia's constitution has provided our country with the foundation that has made us the strong, stable and prosperous country we are today.

Please sign this petition to the Senate to keep Australia strong and to reject a politicians' republic.

1,000 signatures

Will you sign?

To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:

The petition of the undersigned shows that Australia is one of the longest and most stable continuous democracies in the world.

Our constitutional arrangements, including the Crown, have served our country well for over one-hundred years providing a secure foundation for our national peace and prosperity.

Your petitioners ask that the Senate uphold Australia's constitutional monarchy and reject attempts to make Australia a republic.